Birth and Beginnings


….to the birth of my son and the launching of my new Website – Golden Curly Tail

A few more weeks until we’re ready to launch our Golden Curly Tail website. Its very exciting as we prepare to really do this. Its been a long time coming and now the dream of starting an online organic baby clothing webstore is only weeks away. This has truly been a  labor of love, a passion and a life changing experience, but I am loving every moment of it.

Funny how life happens the way it does, call it synchronicity, or whatever it is, but as we are preparing to launch this online store, Golden Curly Tail (GCT), I’m also 36 weeks pregnant, about to give birth between now and 4 weeks. Both are my babies, one being my son, Nikola, named after Nikola Tesla, the inventor and the other being my online business that my partner and I have been working on for the past 2 years or so.