Green Parenting

Green Parenting Guides Galore!


There are a wealth of Green Parenting Articles out there these days. But when I started my path as a mom, there were few. I searched everywhere for articles and information to get me started as a parent who was taking on the path of being a “Green Parent”.

Here is an article from green parenting guru Alan Greene, M.D. and author of Raising Baby Green and Feeding Baby Green in Parenting Magazine that gives a few simple things to keep in mind as a “Green Parent”. Enjoy!

Green Parenting

Power to the Peaceful!

Power to the Peaceful!    3 Days of Music, Art and Action.

This past weekend we attended the Power to the Peaceful event in Golden Gate Park.

The event was packed with over 100,000 people. It is a free event and has been happening for the past 12 years.

We went there specifically to check out the KID’S ZONE STAGE and area. It was a nice little family friendly area where there were kids activities. There was a jumper and a band called The Jack London Quartet that was playing when we got there. This band was amazing. When you close your eyes, you don’t realize these are kids playing. They sounded so great!

There was also a small booth called the Mom’s Breastrarant, where kids eat free. A place where breastfeeding moms can nurse and also a baby changing station, which I didn’t use, but thought it was great to have there.

While sitting and eating some organic Indian food, we saw a flyer on the table that said Yoga for Kids. Although we missed the Morning Yoga, which was one of the events of the day, we thought its so great to have kids doing Yoga at such a young age. We love it!

We also stopped by our friend’s booth, who is part of an artist collective, and they had their art displayed. They were also doing live grafitti art during the event.

We were also curious to hear and see Crystal Bowersox, the finalist from American Idol. Although we didn’t get to see her, we heard her from afar, which was about a mile away. We also only heard Michael Franti and Spearhead from afar.

There were so many cool things happening all at the same time.

Here are some Tips for a families planning on attending for next year:

–       Get there EARLY! (Carpool, bike, walk or take public transportation).

–       Wear comfortable shoes. (You might get lucky and find something close by, but most people we ran into had to walk for miles.

–       Pack light but dress in layers (It was sunny, but once the fog rolls in, its CHILLY!)

–       Bring a blanket or something to lay out on or even some portable chairs.

–       Bring a camera to capture all the fun and music.

–       Have your contact number on your kids, just in case they get separated from you. (There were soooo many people!)

Green Parenting

My Adventures in Green Parenting

When I found out I was pregnant with my first born in 2007, one of the first things I did was change my diet. I became more conscious about eating organic fruits and veggies. I reduced my meat intake and of course, started taking my pre-natal vitamins.

As I was preparing to give birth, one of the things I did a lot was clean, throw out and re-organized. Around the house, as I was cleaning, I started to notice the cleaning products I had, and realized how toxic many of the cleaning products were. I purchased some green cleaners, made from plants and fruits, and have used them since.

I went to the library and checked out many books on de-cluttering and green cleaning. An eye opener for me was how vinegar and lemon does wonders for the cleaning process.

We changed the old carpeting in our place and replaced it with bamboo flooring.

We bought an air purifier to clean the air in our place.

I wish I could make more changes, but being green is not cheap.  It costs a little bit more here and there, but I have made a commitment to make small changes each day to be more green.


Because my kids had eczema, I was very particular about finding clothing that did not feel itchy on their skin. I wanted to have more quality items and less quantity. It was hard, because we received a lot of baby gifts and I had more clothes than my kids could wear. When I did find a favorite shirt, I often wished I could have more of them for the week. This is one of the reasons we have created the Golden Curly Tail product line.

Golden Curly Tail’s most recent Summer Sale is the 7 Day Package for $100. You receive a total of 7 shirts, enough for a week for $100. Save $40 when you purchase this special deal. I am proud to say that my own 7 month old wears our own GCT shirts. As a mommy and the owner of Golden Curly Tail, I am so greatful for these shirts. I wish I could share this with others. And now I can.

Give the gift of comfort, style and peace of mind to a baby or toddler in your life.

Purchase a GCT “7 Day Package”. This Special Item is available starting September 20th, 2010.